Source Code

Poo Geyser

Insert mentos and diet coke into butt hole and let the mixture spray in your face.

My face looks slightly tanner due to the Poo geyser I received last night.

by Dirty Dawgz January 10, 2012

Poo Poo Soul

someone who is good or bad.
if is a Poo Poo Soul over 10, then is bad
if is a Poo Poo Soul under 10, then is good
Although saying Poo Poo Soul to someone can mean they are bad

Ay naku Jennifer, you are a Poo Poo Soul!

by fish n' chips May 5, 2019

poo chugger

a politician you see on tv who you cannot watch without imagining defecatating violiently into his head orifices. which immediately elicits the response, oh my gosh, start chugging or you might suffocate.

Ted Cruz be chugging a nation worth o' poo. Poo chugger Trump gettin' a break now that he's aint on tv. Hawley better start a chuggin'.

by poomeister2 March 6, 2021

Lofdy poo

Fortnite battle pass I just poopy out my butt booted up my pc because I need me to get that fortnite battle pass.

Lofdy poo means sussy red imposter

by March 21, 2022


A Poo Queue is where a solid poo blocker is wedged in your colon and you cannot pass it out.

The poo then forms behind the blocker and causes a poo queue.

James was slightly constipated by a solid bit of poo (The blocker) and this has caused a poo queue for a week.

by Mikool77 July 13, 2023

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