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a number and/or an example person in the urbdic example sentence box

word form: one, number: 1.

by nylonthingy December 17, 2022


The QI of Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter combined

Mais tu plaisantes, j’espère! Monsieur Biden et Monsieur Carter avait le QI de seulement 1!
But you're joking, I hope! Mr. Biden and Mr. Carter had an IQ of only 1!

by Koi29 February 25, 2023



that is a 1

by 1111111111111.1111111111111111 April 20, 2022


the first letter in the alphabet

Teacher: "Ok class, what's the first letter?"

Random ass mf: "1."

Teacher: "kill yourself."

by Bruh_man7800 December 7, 2024


The only 1 out there. 1 alone is stand alone. One is not plural-but one could consist of multiples

1/1***1 of 1 is known for bringing multiples into 1

by Bing.bong118tpz April 27, 2024


Hvh lang for getting killed.

Rager 1: 1
Rager 2: Stfu it was a dp

by hvhmebro September 26, 2020


1 is a number. why the hell do you even need an explanation what even is 1? are you stupid? do you have negative braincells?

guy1: How old is that child?
guy 2: that child is 1
guy1: cool! let's dropkick it!
guy2: you do it

by Guy_with_a_single_braincell January 18, 2022