A moment where the user Blud^Milk intentionally says or creates the most mind-numbing statement.
"Yo, that post is kinda cringy... but at the same time, it seems ironic."
"Talk about a Blud Moment."
When your friend Artur Sterfita explains a simple term in the most complicated way.
Did you see Stefirta in accounting class? Classes Stefirta moment
An explosive moment of courage and glory that single-handedly saves the day usually having a strong chance of injury and/or a huge downside for the person completing the act.
Dom: Did you see the game on Saturday?
Lachlan: Yeah, that tackle saved the game for England.
Dom: I know right he just threw himself and put his body on the line for his country.
Lachlan: A true Underhill moment
An Ambulance Moment is a moment of realization. Synonymous with: aha moment; epiphany.
I suddenly realized why “Ambulance” is written backwards on ambulance trucks- it’s so you can read it in your rear view mirror!!! Ambulance moment!!
A way to gauge whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. When you're by yourself and you realize a general truth such as the word Ambulance being written backwards on the front of the vehicle because it will be recognized by people looking in their rear view mirror. When this happens, optimists will feel smart and pessimists will feel stupid.
I had an Ambulance Moment today while looking at a bottle of beer when I realized that Dos Equis means Two Xes!
The time of day when the autism comes out and you become the toilet wuggy.
My kid just got shot, that is a don't stay awake skibid huggy wuggy moment
A Kook Moment is an event in which one forgets something they should know very well right when a question about the subject of the matter is asked, resulting in an answer that makes them look stupid.
“What is Sonic?”
“Uhhhh gottagofast blue mouse thingy”
“Isn’t that a Kook Moment?”