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Manson's law of avoidance

Manson's law of avoidance says that, the more something threatens your identity, the more you will avoid it and I (Manson) bring this up in terms of what are the pieces of information that we protect ourselves from because ultimately, like grasping onto some sense of certainty, it's a means of protecting our ego from perceived threats and so, Manson's law basically says that, the more threatening something is, the more we will become certain in things that will help us avoid dealing with that truth.

An extension of Manson's law of avoidance is that, we should define ourselves as loosely and ambiguously as possible because the less defined ourself is, the less we need to cling to defense mechanisms or faulty ideas to protect ourselves. This is fundamentally a Buddhist idea, the idea of no self, if there is no such thing as self, then there's nothing to protect and there's nothing that you need to be certain about in the first place.

by AnonAmish97 June 22, 2023


The grandson-in-law of one's parent-in-law's sibling.

My co-cousin-nephew-in-law is a good person.

by Elivaldeq November 24, 2019

Dan's Law

The amount of energy required to not be a piece of shit is equal to the amount of energy required to post this definition.

Why don't people abide by Dan's Law, its really not that hard.

by StatesRightsTater November 30, 2021

Murphy's Law of Engine-Idling Duration

"If you leave your vehicle's engine running during a delay in proceeding (traffic-jam, road construction, accident-resolution, "stuck" red signal-light, etc.), you will be sitting there for many minutes, just wasting gas. The instant you turn the key off and climb out of your seat to stretch, however, THAT'S when the line of traffic will begin moving again, and thus you will have shut off your engine "for nothing", AND you will now be holding up everyone behind you while you hastily hop back into the driver's seat and re-start the engine so that you can move forward again."

I finally took da plunge and bought a second-hand Toyota Prius because I'd eventually had one too many cases of Murphy's Law of Engine-Idling Duration... the Prius automatically shuts down its power during stand-stills, and then uses its electric motor to provide instant mobility as soon as you're ready to go again.

by QuacksO October 21, 2018

Administrative law

The branch of law which deals with the powers and procedures of government agencies. In the United States and many other countries, this includes rulemaking (the manner in which agencies enact regulations), adjudication (the manner in which agencies resolve disputes over agencies' actions), enforcement of regulatory policy, and many issues related to due process.

Administrative law is closely related to constitutional law in that it often deals with what powers the government has and doesn't have, and in what manner government agencies may carry out the power delegated to them by the legislature.

The regulations crafted by rulemaking processes are often extremely complex, and frequently directly refer to specific scientific, technical, and financial standards (such as parts per million/billion of pollution, safety measures for certain activities, and accounting/financial reporting procedures).

Constitutional law teaches you how government is supposed to work, in theory. Administrative law, on the other hand, teaches you how it actually works, in practice.

by J-rad September 29, 2011

Kaplan's Law

The law that any discussion on the internet that goes in long enough will result in someone claiming that the US Civil War wasn't about slavery.

(long discussion about the BLM and Blue Lives flags and what they mean to people)
Soffy22: Well how would you feel about a confederate flag?
Merlyn2: There's so much propaganda about that, starting with how the Civil War was about States' Rights, and not slavery.
Maddox: AND THERE WE GO ... Kaplan's Law.

by MaddKap May 15, 2022

Law of Virtual Serendipity

When two people swipe right on each other on two different online dating apps.

Sarah and John experienced the Law of Virtual Serendipity when they swiped right for each other on bumble and match.

by Lasso Lash May 4, 2020