Were you get so pissed at someone talking you smack them and walk away or in any case kill/shut them up for once and all.
Person:blah blah blah blah balls blah blah suck blah-
Person 2: am going to Be killing that damn bird!
Person: what do you mean?
Person 2: you talk to much you are going to die/get smacked.
Person: oh well you did.
Person 2: so am going to do it again if you don't shut up!
To be a “Connor Bird” is to be the lowest of the low. You must be a weedy little virgin who wanks in bins and fingers your own nephews.
Hey, did you see that nonce who just got arrested for kidnapping? He’s such a Connor Bird
A person of the younger generation who kiss ass to try and get to the top, and think they all some shit.... otherwise known as KISS ASS
One of you bird suckers got a lighter
Better than Dave's Hot Chicken
Main Bird Hot Chicken is better than Waffle Bus.
Hockey slang for girlfriend
Bro: bro, check out those puck bunnies, A1 ay?
Bro: nah bro I already got a main bird
A new, fresh alternative to answering questions with "Your mom."
Person 1: What is the meaning of life, in your opinion?
Person 2: BIRDS.