Lil Lyko is a Hip-Hop / Lo-Fi artist. With decent songs titled "Hennessy, Vodka", "Risk It.", & his recent album "Lil Lyko LP".
Lil Lyko is pretty fire
Loving & caring street dude who can’t leave the streets alone to save his life, Dont mess with any lil Tayy’s because they will beat the shit out you
a stupid fuckbag who loves to eat queef (a vagina fart)
suck my imaginary balls ya lil nasty queef.
Somebody that does something like you
38 Baby: Man he went got the same glock as you
Tay: Nigga wanna be just like me , that’s my lil yo
When somebody wants their pussy/dick sucked, there m8 will say a Lil Later, but they mean the next time they see you ;)
Define:Random girl: Michael said I could suck his dick a Lil later
Michael: I hope she sucks my dick later,because I will be cumming all over the place