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Anal Atom Bomb

An extremely volatile expulsion of bodily fluids and or particles from one's anus. Usually done onto another individual's chest or face.

Dude what's that smell?

Well, my girlfriend told me she wanted to try an Anal Atom Bomb, she was naked so I just went with it.

The fuck?

Yea, and that was four months ago.

by Sodomy Boy October 26, 2010

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st. pierre bomb

This word is quite common in Boston, I have also heard it in South Eastern Ohio.

The definition I would say is slightly different than what is listed. Normally the person denying the source of the St. Pierre Bomb is someone other than the one who took the dump.

It is usually the bomber's good friend, spouse etc.

Nobody will ever fess up to that st. pierre bomb

by Bobby April 17, 2005

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dirty rectum bomb

After a night of eating multiple tacos and having anal sex with a large black man. the gas build up and the muscle tension from the rectum being pounded fiercely. the rectum becomes inflamed and unstable, which then contracts the sphincter so abruptly it explodes. which then causes fumes and anal leakage until the rectum becomes so week it does not have the strength to hold its own self together the rectum then caves in on itself.

Jenny died from a dirty rectum bomb.

by TiemannTHeButtpIrate March 23, 2011

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hitler jizz bomb

when a man and a man are sexually active and perform a dirty sanchez, so the one with shit under their nose looks like hitler. then the other man/men jizz all over and inside "hitlers" nose until he sneezes and explodes jizz and snot and shit everywhere.

i love getting hitler jizz bombs

by Carl Bombstrom December 7, 2006

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strawberry muffin bomb

The extremely adverse effects of womanhood that result in emotional devastation to all those surrounding. Much like an atomic bomb, but slightly more frightening. Targets anyone who does not share the problem. Occurs frequently and can be prepared for by boarding up windows and removing all sharp objects. You should also avoid doing anything aggravating to a victim of SMB. && resembles strawberries.

Stupid man victim: Can you pass the salt?

Ticking SMB: Am I fucking here to serve you, you lazy bastard!!! Do you know the fuckin pain I am in you dumb fucking fuck!!! Do you really love me!!!!! And were you lying when you said these pants didn't make me look fat!!?!


Stupid man victim: Uhh um shit. Sorry? Salt , bad, got it?? I love you? ummmmm..... is it that time of the....


Stupid man victim dies tragic death far too horrific to describe. Strawberry muffin bomb strikes again!!!

by smbvictims February 18, 2008

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da bomb

...he be da bomb

Ross is da bomb
...nothing else needs be said :-)

by donna March 17, 2005

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bomb ass salt

pure, long lasting, slow burning, crystal clear, meth that is recieved in the form of shards in generous amounts, and is also delivered

man, that is some bomb ass salt, i've been on one for days and i still got some left. whered that shit come from? damn, cause one hit and oooo, that is some bomb ass salt.

by melanie mueller August 26, 2006

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