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reverse waffle

When you come to the office in the morning and stay until lunch, but work the rest of the day from home.

I'll be doing the reverse waffle today.
I'm reverse waffling.

by dashatron July 9, 2018

Reverse chubby

1) noun. Someone who is incredibly skinny
2) noun. When you lose your boner. Especially when you go limp bc of disappointment or an unsavory experience.

We were getting ready to bone but gramma walked in & killed the mood. Yeah, totally a reverse chubby!

by L4SH3R August 8, 2018

Reverse Car-Wash with Oil Change

The act of sharting while performing a reverse carwash.

"OMG i gave bree a Reverse Car-Wash with Oil Change last night and she loved it"

by brian duclos April 27, 2010

2👍 2👎

Reverse Grind

When a girl is dirty dancing on you ass to ass

Saleem: " Man, that girl was all over me
Wagnus: "But she was facing the opposite way to you , you sure you didn't just bump into her?"
Saleem: nah reverse grind mate

by Salt 'n' Garfunkel September 6, 2015

reverse sided double peanut butter

Some wierd shit Isaac says

If shes mad at you, you should just hit her with that reverse sided double peanut butter.

by The increased gay September 15, 2018

Reverse Shamanism

You get dumber as you get older.

You're no shaman at all. You're in the state of Reverse shamanism.

by KeelyHelleneKhaos August 4, 2023

Reverse Humpty Dumpty

A Reverse Humpty Dumpty is a man whose head is shaped like that of an egg and who also has very little or no hair on their head BUT they are rocking a rather thick beard.

Have you seen how he looks? He's totally a Reverse Humpty Dumpty!

by XxOwOxX July 25, 2022