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Zombie Stoner Effect

(n) is a rare occurrence that happens whenever there is large some of people who are on a heavy dose of marijuana. When these groups of people are all drawn to one thing that provides some sort of pleasure at once, whether it be something soft to the touch or something entertaining to watch, they tend to mumble or moan, thus producing the Zombie Stoner Effect.

Man #1: Why are there so many people petting that dog?
Man #2: It's the Zombie Stoner Effect, it only takes one then the rest follow.
Man #1: That dog does look soft...Braaains!
Man #2: Oh Jeez! You have become one!

by Reptar!!! December 23, 2009

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The Breath Of The Wild Effect

The effect that a single well known intellectual property can have on determining the long term success of a platform in a launch environment.

Similar to how Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild proved that the Nintendo Switch (which at the time people that it was going to suck like the Wii U) can sell units just by the intellectual properties in their library alone.

The launching title for this new console thatโ€™s about to come out has the breath of the wild effect, I need to go buy it so that I can play that game.

by WhiteLightning January 2, 2019

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The Santa Claus Effect

When a fat man's belt face is facing down because their fat is pushing it down. Most common in school teacher substitutes or larger men that wear their belt to tight.

Dude our sub has The Santa Claus Effect going on right now. Ewwwww that's raunchy.

by penny pinchaa March 10, 2011

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The King Crimson effect

When you fall asleep and wake up in what feels like a short second

-person1 โ€œYo I fell asleep at like 12:00 and woke up at 6 but it went by faster than a bulletโ€

-person2 โ€œYeah thatโ€™s the King Crimson effectโ€
-person1 โ€œThe king-what-now effectโ€?

-person2 โ€œThe JoJoโ€™s Bizarre Adventure ability King Crimson can erase and skip timeโ€

by R1p&tear January 28, 2021

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Page 3 Effect

The Page 3 Effect is the phenomenon that on any online forum large enough, almost any thread will be derailed by page 3. Occurs most often in threads about touchy subjects, both serious (politics, AIDS, etc.) to stupid (Which class is overpowered in TF2, meme's, general flaming, etc.)

"Hey man, what happened to my thread?"

"Oh, it got locked because the Page 3 Effect kicked in."

by Kookygoose May 15, 2009

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Post Malone Effect

The "Post Malone Effect" is a particularly enigmatic psychosocial theory based on the phenomena of sexy women apparently attracted to the objectively unattractive and tubby-ass Post Malone. The theory states that it is not in fact how handsome Post Malone is, but how BUTT ASS UGLY Post Malone is that makes him attractive to women. The Post Malone Effect can often be seen in Southern California where crusty tools with poor hygiene and fat business-type middle-aged men with male pattern baldness appear to be partnered with beautiful women. Some less extreme examples are Jay-Z and Beyonce, or Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness. In the case of an Beautiful-Male / Ugly-Female (BMUF), such as Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness, The Post Malone Effect is interchangeable with it's analogue coined for that exact scenario: The Hugh Jackman Effect.

(The Post Malone Effect is often believed to correlate with social status and money, but growing evidence appearing in the early 21st century seems to counter this common belief providing a path for further study and academic analysis)

Handsome Nigga 1: "Damn that mf is ugly, he look like he take gas station vitamins. How did he get with Padma Lakshmi?"

Handsome Nigga 2: "The Post Malone Effect... fuck being handsome."

Ugly Nigga Friend: "Hell yeah nigga, fuck being handsome."

by UglyNiggaComeUp February 24, 2021

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Kanye West Effect

The quality of elevating everything you touch to success and being the campass of cool

Yeah Matt has that Kanye West effect when it comes to clothes bro, everything he wears just becomes cool

by Common ordinary Mopress?? March 18, 2021

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