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Dylan McConkey.

Dylan is a fucking simp

by aiden0023 December 20, 2021


someone who is attracted to someone and will do any thing to have sex with them

Danny is a simp.

by ppoogg champ February 20, 2021



Damn he really is simp'in really hard for that one girl that doesn't even like him.

by simpslayer69 February 9, 2020


Louis Chabert, year 11, Radcliffe house.

Pickle: "Drinks at mine tonight?"
Bean: oath
Leb: Hmmmmm fuck yeah
Louis: sorry boys im sick
Jeb: Coward

*Louis goes out to get ice cream like a Simp*

by Sincerelytheboys July 27, 2020


Man that will do anything for a piece of pussy

Like that nigga connor

"Why's connor such a simp" lexi

"He hasn't got any in 4 months" libby

by Pixiestickbitch February 9, 2020


Simps (short for 'sucka idiolizing mediocre pussy', or for female simps, 'sucka idiolizing mediocre penis') are people that devote an unhealthy amount of attention to a potential mate in hopes of validation or rewards from said person, rather than being themselves and accepting rejection if the other person is not interested. Simps will do anything for any potential mate to gain their approval, even if the person does not reciprocate. This is unfortunately the case for many simps; their potential mates usually take no interest in the simp, and if they do, it is only because the simp rewards them for simply existing.

Contrary to popular belief, the act of simping is not associated with being attracted to a mate, taking interest in and attempting to date a mate, or being friendly to a potential mate.

How it's properly used:
Jaden: "I've given her all my money, I text her every single night even though she leaves me on read, I massage her feet constantly, and she still doesn't want to date me yet! Maybe I should keep picking up her food for her, maybe then she'll decide to get with me."
Mason: "Are you sure this girl is even interested in you in the first place? I think you're being a bit of a simp, you need to just be yourself and find a girl that loves you for who you are."

How it's improperly used:
Jack: "That girl is cute. Maybe I should ask her out. No big deal if she says no, it's just worth a shot."
Joe: "You're such a simp."
Jack: "Okay, so even though the purpose of our species is to procreate and find a mate, I am a simp for pursuing that. Correct?"
Joe: "Yah."
Jack: "Okay.. cool. Guess I will never ever talk to another female as long as I live, despite the fact that our purpose is to procreate. Gotcha. Sounds like a plan. Noted. Will do."

by suburban__dictionary May 4, 2023


When a person does way to much for a person they have interest in and would do almost anything for

That’s right I’m a simp

What about it TT

by Milkman.mayonnaise_4k December 1, 2021