Source Code

Lavender C

An awesome friend who deserves to be on this website

Girl 1: did u see Lavender C today?
Girl 2: yeah, I wish I could be as nice and beautiful and kind and awesome as her.

by Soy_The_Nice_One June 27, 2023


Cy-Rig (sī-rig) or C-Rig (sē-rig), n. jargon (g33kspeak?) a term originating from most forms of cyberpunk genre games (eg. Shadowrun), it refers to any form of computer custom or purpose built to suit the end-user's need(s); commonly called "rig".

Dude, that is one fancy C-Rig with all the neon lighting, liquid coolin' system and cool-lookin' casing.

by kamikazesouljah July 22, 2008