Source Code

Super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis


Gandhi fasted so long that his frame was rather frail,

And when he eat the strangest fruits his breath was often stale,

He walked barefoot so hard his bottom squirt his diagnosis,

(He was a) Super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

-The Newfangled Four

by Random_doesn’t_equal_funny August 17, 2018

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Super perfundo on the early eve of your day

Another way to say goodbye to someone. The meaning is loose. Comes from the movie, Waking Life.

Wiley: Yeah, man. Well, I gotta go man.

John: Ok, later man. Super perfundo on the early eve of your day.

Wiley: What's that mean?

John: Well you know, I've never figured it out. Maybe you can. This guy always whispers it in my ear. Lewis.....he's a reoccurring dream character.

by The Legendary Ironwood January 25, 2007

327πŸ‘ 197πŸ‘Ž

super smash bros. brawl addict

Person, who addictively plays Brawl 24/7 or 200 hours straight. It also a person who addicting make amusing stupid smash jokes like IT~S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!! WAT? over 9000?!?!?!?!?!??!
with ganon`s taunt. Also a person who rants that noobs don`t have mindgamez and fails at brawl or any other smash game. Is also known to be a fag of tier lists and says "mk rapes all!!!!!!!!" I Should go and main him" y other says " Sonic fails at this game lolz, NO KILL MOVES! NO PRIORITY! TOO FUCKIN PREDICTABLE! Also plays Coin Launcher for the hell of it. Also a person who thinks, breathes, sleeps, and even eats brawl and have a appetite for top tier noobs. Also Rapes noobs with shitty low-tier charcters like Sonic (Steak TIER!!!!!!) " UR TOOO SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and spams it constantly in ur face and also spams Ike`s dildo taunt just for the animation. Also Says FD ONLY, NO ITEMS< AND FUX ONLY!!!!!!! otherwise ur a NOob!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

tiers are for queers, Taunt Fags,
super smash bros. brawl addict

by PhoenixoKaZe October 7, 2008

15πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

ur mum the mega big super gey

Too dangerous to ever say or everyone in the universe will die

"ur mum gey"
"no u"
"ur mum the big gey"
"no u"
*dies in huge ball of death rolling down a volcano with lava all over it and spikes*

by Michaelsoft Binbows May 31, 2018

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Super Smash Bros for Wii U/ 3DS

Super Smash Brothers for Wii U/ 3DS is the latest installment of the Smash Bros series.

Released October 4 2014 for the 3DS and December 6 for the Wii U.

Featuring lots of characters from Mario to Mii Fighters.

Featuring 3rd party characters like Sonic The Hedgehog, Mega Man and Pac-Man.

It has amiibo support, which you can train your amiibo to become a professional fighter.

It has an Online mode, featuring 2 modes: For Fun and For Glory, For Glory is the most played mode.

There is an item system that drops items in the battlefield randomly to help you out.

There are also 4 DLC characters: Mewtwo from PokΓ©mon, Lucas from Earthbound, Roy from Fire Emblem and Ryu from Street Fighter.

There is also a Tournament Mode, where you can compete with players from all around the world.

There is also a stage creator mode, but it's pretty "useless" most of the times, because most people make unapropriated stages, like dick stages.

There are many and many things to talk about more, but if you wanna know more, go to the Smash wikia.

Then you can find all things Smash there.

Hey bro! Let's play Super Smash Bros for Wii U/ 3DS?

Yeah man, count on me!

by CrazyLenny September 22, 2015

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

super-careful, frugalistic, extra-tally-conscious

What Mary Poppins has to be whenever money is tight.

The movie got it all wrong --- the Banks family had not been having trouble with mean/colorless nannies; the nannies had all just been over-indulgent of the children, and so Mr. Banks hired Mary Poppins to teach his little ones about self-denial, willpower, and wise money-management --- Mary taught them to be "super-careful, frugalistic, extra-tally-conscious" when necessary.

by QuacksO August 31, 2018

atty batty super makdaddy macro-fatty

A monsterous joint, that when rolled, consumes most of the bud that was purchased from a bag. This can be rolled with no less than two papers spliff or filling an entire blunt without splitting the outer casing goddie or godfather.
This can not be smoked by any more than two people; inducing a coma-like high that lasts for hours and ends with a trip to a burger or taco establishment.

Opposite of eeny teeny weeny beany micro-thinny

"Hey, are you gonna whip out that atty batty super makdaddy macro-fatty, or am gonna have to light the eeny teeny weeny beany micro thinny."

or a response to seeing a HUGE joint...

"Jeez, thats an atty batty super makdaddy macro-fatty."

by Crackmonkey April 3, 2006

14πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž