Source Code

flutter roll

Batting your eyelashes as you roll your eyes.

He flutter rolled his eyes at me.

by drappel January 8, 2018

Rolling A Kendrick

Rolling a Kendrick is the action of rolling a joint that is big and loud and could make anyone bounce. Usually referred to sativa strains.

Me: You i haven't smoked in ages.
Guy: Oh damn, feels bad. I rolled a kendrick (Rolling A Kendrick past tense) yesterday with my friends and we got too fucked!

by 888NumbersCalling July 1, 2020

Rolling Colon

The action of lowering your window while driving down the interstate sticking your butt out and having explosive diarrhoea on every car you pass

My buddy and I went down the inter state and he was rolling colon and it was the worst thing I've ever smelled.

by Jiffy3 May 14, 2021

Safety Roll

The backup roll of toilet paper set on top of the toilet, just in case the primary roll of toilet paper is all used up. Often a staple in households with prepared and future-minded individuals.

I thought I was going to have to wipe with just 2 squares of toilet paper. Fortunately there was a safety roll.

by Dez872 February 11, 2011

*rolls eyes*

Basically. . .

"Written in big FAT serial killer letters!"
-Crazy Rich Asians

" *rolls eyes* Oh yeah totally.(I don't give a shit)"

by abc.Lmnop July 13, 2019

Rolling ball of butcher knives

Someone who is sharp and all over the place; a live wire

She’s been a rolling ball of butcher knives managing this hospital of Covid patients.

by The Real Llama November 29, 2021

Sour spring roll

When a uncircumcised asain puts a warhead in the tip of his penis and gets his girlfriend to suck it out

I just gave my girl A sour spring roll

by Goldennugget442 May 7, 2022