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Term used in games, especially in HvH servers (Hacker vs Hacker), it describes killing your opponent with one tap (one shot). It's very often used in demeaning way, to show that opponent's cheats are weak or yours are superior.

It could also mean beginning of a killstreak on the same guy, typing out numbers ascending with kills in a row you got on him without dying to insult him.

Example A
ProCheater: 1 ez
NoobCheater: That wasn't even a 1 tap!

Example B
SuperGamer: 4
SomeGuy: ok, i got it, you don't have a life..

by howallnicknamesaretaken November 5, 2023




by qpalzmskdjfhg August 21, 2021


Die Zahl "1" steht für Pizza, seitdem ein bekannter Baumeister in 7 Days to Die mit dem Namen "Macinvisible" einst in den Chat schrieb: "Wer Pizza mag, schreibt 1 - wer nicht, 3454615631231654614213!".
Seitdem ist "1" das Synonym für Pizza, welche Zahl sich nun als Meme etablierte.


by MickyFoley October 9, 2020


The best number in existence. I could go one for ages about how good 1 is. 1 is the first, the best, 1 is amazing.
The greatest number ever created.
if you are reading this you probably like 1 too!

There is 1 person left.....

by peanutferret June 12, 2023


Since there are so many ways you can use this, use it! This could be like 1234567890 or 0987654321 or qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1ormnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq0987654321 or ngfdgfssdcvjhgnbfvw1hgbvxfcgvvb xcgfdzsda1q2w1qws32q3e12q211ws1xwsfcfghvbvcsdafvdfxdvcdszcxv… Sorry, I fell asleep.

Teacher:Use 1 in a word.*major mistake*
The other 8 billion people in the world: a1 b1 c1 d1 e1…*all different*
Teacher:*spanks themselves*

by hissingcobra January 16, 2024



1.Do anything for anyone, her partner is a real catch!

Zianne is a loving rug with plenty of love and care for her cubs,

"Zianne is so good with favours"

by betty1837 October 29, 2013

-1👍 12👎



sdx q 1 wdc

by The_sayer_of_truth March 22, 2024