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Tard cake

The culmination of such profound stupidity that it can only be described as the product of various kinds of stupidity (these being the ingredients of the cake) Combined to make the end product of all these baked into one retard.

Friend 1: Yo Steve is such a tard cake that he thought cold blooded creatures produced their own cold.
Friend 2: wow, what a tard cake.

by Grim Reeker January 27, 2015

portuguese crab cakes

It's when a Portuguese man and a woman who both have crabs but decide to have sex anyways so they use pancake mix like medicated powder in an effort to minimize the friction. Afterwards they scrape off the thick goop of seimen/sweat/pancake mix and cook pancakes. *note it is not true Portuguese crab cake if the crab cakes are consumed after the deed is done*

We were low on food this week so my girlfriend decided we would make Portuguese crab cakes. Sarah can really cook.

by Princess Wishamotherfukkawould March 11, 2018

Fuzzy cakes

hairy tits.

Sarah has some fuzzy cakes

by eric lmao February 2, 2019

Fuzzy Cakes

hairy tits.

lemme see your fuzzy cakes

by eric lmao February 2, 2019

Chocolate Cake

Chocolate cake (n.): a person’s ass that’s completely covered in liquid shit, causing it to look like a chocolate cake.

Person 1: “I really want to eat some chocolate cake.”
Person 2: “Bruh, you are one nasty motherfucker, deadass.”

by Boogeraids Poopybutthole March 12, 2023

Chocolate cake

The act of getting gangbanged by 3 or more black homeless men against your will in the back ally of 7/11

Please help me I was in a chocolate cake

by VaginaTEEHEE September 6, 2019

Chocolate cake

Chocolate cake is super delicious. It’s good with any kind of icing. It is super chocolaty and never tastes bad. It’s even good if it’s vegan. I think I’m in love with chocolate cake.

Mommy can I get vanilla cake for my birthday?

NO chocolate cake is the best!!! You can only get chocolate cake.

by Turtles-or_frogs August 1, 2021