Boy: Look at that doggo over there.
Girl: Awwww!!! It's such a bean!!
Slang used by the self-harming community
Means the fat/muscle layer underneath the dermis and epidermis.
Other terms: Styro, etc.
Person A: "I cut to beans last night, it hurts like hell."
Person B: "Oh shit, make sure you clean and bandage it or it will get infected."
A term for the brain but it’s funny
How’s your bean Haylee?
I don’t have a bean stop teasing me
Short for "spill the beans," saying "beans" is used when there is tea to spill or secrets that need to be told.
"Did you hear about the affair?"
"No - ooh beans, tell me!"
Tim/Furious_Syndrome (
Blazing: Tim is a bean
Tim: Nuuu you're a bean
Blazing: no u