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Birthday Cake

A promiscuous woman

A woman that has been with a group of friends.

Dude, your girlfriend's not even a thot, she's a birthday cake...everyone has had a slice of that.

by Todd Jacob Wilberly November 13, 2017

Birthday Cake

Eating a girl out on their birthday.

Person 1: hey man, whatcha doing tonight?
Person 2: It’s my girls birthday, so you know what’s goin down.
Person1: oohhhh, eatin some birthday cake huh?

by Herroj21 December 22, 2019

Birthday Cake

When your mom and/or dad lets you practice anal on them as your birthday present as they couldn't afford that new hot wheels play set at walmart

Person 1: Bro My Dad gave me that Birthday Cake and my ball sack still hasn't recovered
Person 2: Bro you're so lucky! all i got for my birthday was a Sex Slave

by dgarretson530 June 6, 2019

Birthday Cake

When you stack up all your friends on your birthday and stick a candle in the top person's anal area.

That birthday cake was delicious! You guys are the best! Especially you, Dad!

by Condomant May 25, 2023

birthday cake

giving someone a bj (blowing the candles out) then eating them out (eating your cake)

oh he’s so hot i would give him a birthday cake if he asked me too

by kennythemoron October 24, 2023

Birthday Cake

A prolapsed anus with a hemorrhoid sticking out.

We was boutta get down and then she pulled out a Birthday Cake.

by eclisped April 27, 2023

Birthday cake

A buttock.

Alisa went to the club and got drunk. She then decided to show everyone how beautiful her birthday cake truly is.

by Raspberry Necessary 35 March 10, 2022