a person who is slightly unfit but not ripped and not a fatty.
person "oh, you look buff in that shirt!"
other person "I look more like sloppy ice cream, mushy and squishy"
People who claim to have Crackhead energy when in reality it is much Milder and or non-existant. Usually a person who tries to single themselves out for being the "quirky" type. When in reality they're just normal and or boring
Jesse - Fair warning I have serious Crackhead Energy
Sarah - Gurl, you have Ice Coffee Energy
Jesse - What makes you say that
Sarah - We are both sober and we are in a Starbucks
Jesse - Right........Got any Cigs?
Sarah - Yep
when you're having the best day of your life but still tryna look pissed as shit like the rapper Ice Cube in the music video "It Was A Good Day"
Chris: damn why that nigga enjoyin life all the time but always lookin pissed?
Felipe: nah man it's just the Ice Cube Effect
ice-pick is present for Trotsky from Stalin
who the hell ice-picked trotsky?!
Time for sleep
Time for prayers
Time for dusk
Dust in eyes
Grinning jaws
Grit in teeth
All things pass
Death and deeds
Break the black ice
In this earth
In this town
In this land
In this hour
In this time
For this age
In this flesh
In this joining
Break the black ice
In this spasm
In this jerk
In this crib
A little death
For this boy
Little screams
A little blood
A tattooed rune
Break the black ice
In this kiss (not mine not yours)
In this curse (not mine not yours)
To spread cum or semen (icing) onto someone's ass (cake)
"You know Dayona?" "Yeah, did you spread the icing on the cake ?" "You know I did"
The act of putting your penis inside an ice cream cone and then giving it to someone.
Jožo: Bro here, have some ice cream. Ignác: Thanks Bro. Why the fuck is your dick inside the ice cream cone ? Jožo: haha you just got pranked, i gave you the Slovakian Ice Cream Dipshit Ignác: That´s kinda gay ngl.