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Alex is an amazing friend. Hes super nice and sweet, even though he doesn always act like it. An alex will be there for you.. unless you text him, because he takes days to reply. Alex is easy to crush on and hard to get over. Alex is strong and good at sports. An Alex will make you feel special. Get yourself an alex

1. Alex is a cool person!

2. I wish Alex would take me back, he was the best

by Kraft_Dinner November 24, 2021


Alex a kid who is probably in band. Has severe depression and is very gay. Alex may be homicidal or has committed multiple crimes if you are near a Alex you are lucky. Alex's tho scary are also very protective and fall in love very easily.

"Did you just see Alex over there eating fist falls of pasta."

by Notreallyalex December 15, 2022


The nicest person in the Earth. The greatest. I'm stronger. I'm smarter. I'M BETTER.

Alex is such an Alex.

by iluvalex March 18, 2024



I'm Alex (a loser).

by notcai November 22, 2021


Dalia’s future husband

Do you know Dalia’s future husband?
Yeah I do. It’s Alex

by TheParamalama January 14, 2021


The sexiest person alive

someone; "u see that alex girl she is sexy"

by now4 October 28, 2021


takes it raaaa up mans batty bc he like it nice and sweet uh uh yeah man good puss

batty man alex

by scotty salt March 15, 2022