Source Code


a number

number 1 😀

by hi_im_... October 21, 2019



1 is cool

by monstorachild April 5, 2023


the IQ of Donald Trump

person 1- “hey! did you hear about Trump?”
person 2- “yeah i know, his IQ test came back as 1!!”

by krazyglue101 June 5, 2020


a number

i am 1 years old

by 123456789098754321234890943212 June 4, 2021




by Random Guy... February 28, 2020

part 1

When you think of sociopaths, you think of serial killers like John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy, or maybe you think of the show, Dexter. You don't really think of them as someone you love or care about, just cruel, heartless, murderous people. So when one of your parents is a sociopath, it takes a long time to realize it. But once you know the signs, they are pretty easy to spot. You hear the criteria and slowly put the pieces together.

Part 1 of re story.

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd March 12, 2019

Rondo Op. 1

The first piece which Chopin published with an opus number. One of his best pieces (subjectively)

Chopin: nice, I publish a piece with an opus number.
Some random gen alpha: who
Chopin: me, it's called Rondo Op. 1
The same random gen alpha: asked
Chopin: what?

by someome who lives January 30, 2024