To stick one's hairy toes up one's partner's bum.
If you're gonna try both, always do the hobbit before the reverse hobbit, never vice versa.
A.k.a. Insuline resistence. A sickness where your shit body gets fucking slow because movement.act is missing and slows its insuline speed to 4chan user mode. After a short while, you get fucking tired if you can't get any sugar. Once in an Hungarian year, you get a sort of an seizure/diabetic seizure. It's the worst. Also you gain a fuckton of kg. You have to move alot to shed some fucking kgs. If you have it (like me), then Good luck, you're fucked. Great fucking time.
(James) - Yo! Why are you 100 kg?
(Richard) - I have an Isuline Resistence
(James) - The fuck is that?
(Richard) - It's a Reverse Diabetes
When you finish a fight with a single blow that causes the formation of rain clouds.
Did you watch All Mights fight earlier? I got drenched after that reverse Sea King.
Sex in the reverse cowgirl position where the woman shits on the man's stomach during the act.
I used to think sex with Sherri was great until she gave me a reverse mudrider.
A diagnosis given to you when you have 18 or less Chromosomes instead of 22, this makes a little too average, but a really bad speech impediment.
You have Reverse Autism.
Reverse Autistic person, "auuughggguaauhhhg"
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