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Urban Dictionary

A website where people mindlessly scroll down for other user-defined variations of the same word, even after knowing the correct meaning of the word.

If you find this entry while searching Urban Dictionary, this is proof enough of the above definition.

by KF51BlueShift September 24, 2022

urban dictionary

when you need a definition, you go to this website to find it :)

man 1: what does this word mean bro?
man 2: idk man, look it up on urban dictionary :)

by shaylee kreayze November 21, 2020

Urban Dictionary

A site that lets people put definitions for any word, usually they are sexual

Lets go to Urban Dictionary this definition
You mean the the sexual dictionary

by Dynamic Definitions March 20, 2017

Urban Dictionary

A place for literally anything is defined.

Im gonna go look up Urban Dictionary and the Urban Dictionary!

by POKEMON CARP April 17, 2019

Urban dictionary

that undercover agent which allows to explain ur bond with ur friends & family in a funny way with a touch of sarcasm & emotion that u’ll feel only when u relate it to the bond .

How come that undercover agent is so funny..??
Ohh ,u silly, its the Urban Dictionary

by Diana..it..is November 23, 2021

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is an awesome God inspired, crowd based dictionary that is a great avenue for learning. If your destiny was to learn the hidden language and how it was used to shape the world and its inhabitants thoughts, you will know its ultimate purpose. And that was to nurture and feed the heart and soul of the awaited Hebrew Messiah through the Bible based knowledge source.

Listen Taylor Swift! God used Urban Dictionary’s communications just as much as He used your songs to teach that country boy, to grow up and be ‘The Man!” Uh ha, Uh ha! Whoo!

by The Most High God January 20, 2025

Urban Dictionary

The site which gives the best explanation to words comparatively better than the actual dictionary.Kudos to urban dictionary.

Me-What is the meaning of my name?

Urban dictionary-So insult for my name.

Me- crying for the rest of the day like a racon

by _ray October 14, 2020