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Phil danze effect

This is within the aspect of dragging everyone around you down as far as possible because you are a lazy sack of shit who can’t do anything correctly outside of your own arrogant perspective. In order to perfect this you must weighy a gross amount of weight and attempt to run a farm where you have no idea what you are doing even with animals you have owned for many years. Not only this but pass most of the work onto your kids who had no intention to share the money hole amount of work with you. Nobody will like you even your own family because you are a nuisance with your mouth and body in every way. The only thing you will be useful for is shoving shit down your throat and yelling.

Friend: Yo bro are you going to the party?
Me: Nah I heard Phil danze effect will be there

by Legoman26 August 31, 2023

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Big baller effect

Only showing the good side of something while ignoring the larger, bad part and making ridiculously incompetent comments to become famous while all of your sons are actually bums.

He only looks good on his ig, he’s just got the big baller effect going .

by Johnjacob13 November 28, 2017

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Ron-Jon Effect

When you've heard a story so many times that you feel like you were there, and therefore have the right to tell the story as if you were there.

After hearing about what happened at Ron-Jon so many times, Jimmy became a victim of the Ron-Jon effect

by djtrey12 November 3, 2010

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silver juul effect

When everybody asks to hit your juul because it’s more visible to the eye because it’s silver !!!!

The silver juul effect can empty your pods

by Hdiskfjddk February 23, 2019

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The Stevie Nicks Effect

In cooking; The process of the white part of an egg getting loose in a pan of water and flowing around like in a circular motion as Stevie Nicks does with her flowing dresses going around in circles during performances.

While stirring a poach egg, the white part began flowing loosly in a circular motion and created the Stevie Nicks Effect

by Musico January 24, 2018

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9/11 Effect

making fun of something that happened years ago against making fun of something that recently happened

"stupid e-whore got beheaded! fucking owned xD"
"it just fucking happened dude whats wrong with you?!?!"
"so its okay for me to make fun of 9/11 but not this?"
"yeah bro"
9/11 Effect

by fuckyoumydadisaracist July 16, 2019

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ryan and morgan effect

when two gay best friends feel really horny together and they expess it in public

ryan: hey morgan i really like you saying genital wart morgan: i know baby call me a first gen console. this is the ryan and morgan effect

by MisforgayRisforNword January 23, 2020

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