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You have achieved Bored a bored that 1 ups any other boredness


Im going to go play fortnite now

by uvthaubjrgsygadrisdrgyyru January 28, 2019

17πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

boost your discord server on urban dictionary in just 3 clicks

If you're seeing this, then you probably searched "urban dictionary is written by you", and then saw a cheeky little text button saying "BOOST YOUR DISCORD SERVER ON URBAN DICTIONARY IN JUST 3 CLICKS!". Your human brain then has a neuron activation. "I like urban dictionary, and I like discord. OH! I know! I shall combine my two passions to make one big passion!"
If you've searched this then you have a predictable monkey brain. Period. Face the truth, sunshine!

Sam: Bro, you should boost your discord server on urban dictionary in just 3 clicks

Chad: The door is over there, you pathetic dopamine-centered hippie

by huggethibbler March 24, 2023

2 plus 2 is 4 minus 1 that's 3 quick maths

The first line of the song, "Man's Not Hot" by Big Shaq. It is a perfect opening line and captures the pure randomness of the song.

2 plus 2 is 4 minus 1 that's 3 quick maths. Every day man's on the block. Smoke trees. See your girl in the park. That girl is a uckers. When the ting went quack quack quack, you man were ducking.

by wqufhoefi2cuhjhiveej November 27, 2017

167πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Fuck a furry day 3: electric boogaloo: electric boogaloo

on december 23rd, you are required to fuck a furry if they request it, whenever you like it or not

Person 1: Hey person 2, did you know that december 23rd is Fuck a furry day 3: electric boogaloo: electric boogaloo
person 2: traumatized noises
person 2: i have done this twice in a row in a span of a year

by Henry Dickman December 15, 2020

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


yeah this appears

Me: no.

by κšŽα΄€Σα΄€ΣΣ ΣƒΣžΣ…ΣžΣ…Σ²β±Ήβ±ΉΣΣ’Σƒα΄‘β±ΉΣΔΉΔ¨Δ ΕΔ¨ΕΕšΕΆΘˆΘΈ March 25, 2023

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When u press every non-letter on your keyboard

No one would attempt this `~1!2@3#4$5%6⁷&8*9(0)-_=+{}\|;:,<.>/?

by Jawbie October 8, 2018

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 3

Ex.: Guards (and sometimes along their bands) are ranked in CLASS (sometimes NOVICE{this is not a usual class name used for beginners and may not be official for beginner guards}, SCHOLASTIC, INDEPENDENT, OPEN, WORLD), with numbers (roman numerals I, II, or III) or sometimes letters (A, AA, or AAA).
The classes are ordered so awards are given to various guard/band sizes and sometimes performance difficulty.
Not all bands/guards reach the same level.
Ex.: If you compare one of the best high school marching bands and guards in Japan along with some average high school marching bands and guards in the United States...
6. Not everybody has to be skinny/slim for guard... you just need to have some body control and muscle. Some guards do require body limits but that's just them. NOT ALL GUARDS DO THAT!
Our school's cheerleaders aren't all perfectly slim and fit but I believe all of them are awesome cheerleaders because they work hard at something they enjoy. Same with other activities...

High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 3 Ex.

With the wooden mock rifles/plastic mock rifles or "rifles," their weights can range from 3-7 pounds. The sizes can range from 28" to 39" or even 40"!
Sizes and weights of them can be determined by the users/director's/instructor's needs for rifle speed, skill level usage, appearance, ...

Sabres can come in different sizes and weights but are usually the lightest of the equipment used. For varying skill levels or movements, the sabre can be a bit hard to control and maybe for this reason, it is used commonly for the "graceful" or ballad parts of a performance.

Other equipment such as those "diary key-rifles" or "airblades"... those are special but weird too...

BOB: okay....................

by All I want is PEACE. December 24, 2011

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž