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December 8th 2021

Three months with the best boyfriend in the world

December 8th 2021 is my favorite day this month

by eeeee haha December 7, 2021

February the 8th

A day to eat dick and finger pussy.

Ohh look its February the 8th lets eat a dick!

by Callum the man October 16, 2019

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Million Dollar 8th

The Million Dollar 8th is the holy grail of dope. The Million Dollar 8th is not a force to be reckoned with, as ending up in the wrong hands could be catastrophic. The quality of the bud is unlike any other, and simply put this shit puts you on your ass. The only limitation of the bag, is that you HAVE to buy it solely as an 8th. ( Sorry, no 270,000 grams folks).

Bill: Hey whatever happened to Frank?
Todd: Uh the last time I saw him he was smoking that Million Dollar 8th to his head.
Bill: Wasn't that like....six years ago?
Todd: Uhhhh....guess so.

by The Pigdawwwg November 19, 2009

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8th grade dream

The only goal of any 8th grader in the world, to fit in and get laid. most likely achieved by pressuring undeveloped girlfriends or being pressured by the big titted sluts of the school. A girl's 8th grade dream does not involve getting laid as often, however, girls will attempt to stretch their cunt around age 9.

Fag: Hey Larry just got laid!

Mexican Fag: He's definitely living the 8th grade dream

by megukool March 31, 2010

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October 8th 2021

Kassy: What’s today?

Lauren: It’s October 8th 2021 National Date Night Day where you go on a date with your special person

by HeartLessLover October 1, 2021

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September 8th, 2022

The day that the "immortal" queen died.

I can't believe I outlived the old immortal hag, she died on September 8th, 2022!

by zrlx September 8, 2022

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December 8th

Some of the most boring people were born on this day. If you were born on this day, I feel bad for you, you poor soul.

Oh wow, she's boring.
Well yeah, she was born on December 8th

by oooooooffeerrraaaa October 17, 2019

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