A white American chick with slanted ass eyes acting like a Chinese Princess.
One can tell a Gungzu Chow by they way she drives. If she sits through green lights and casually widens her driving lane by using the shoulders of the road, she is a Gungzu Chow.
With good looks and charming wit she feels she can get away with most anything. Beware the entitlement that lies behind the chinky smiling eyes of the Gungzu, many strong men..good men.. have ultimately succumbed to her every command.
*also great in bed.
-I met a Gungzu Chow and instinctively bought her a house & a dog, then took her on a shopping spree. She had coupons for everything. That didn’t mean I spent less, though. It meant she got more.
-You do you, Gungzu.
Joe Chow is the name of a restaurant that was turned into a funny slang/phrase by me and my friend group. It's usually used in a way of saying "that's not cool". We use it all the time.
"Dude, i just lit that guys car on fire"
"That's not very Joe Chow of you, Connor"
The latest breed of trending dog appearing sporadically in various neighborhoods of Brooklyn, NY. Though still highly unobtainable, the 'Taow' (as sometimes referred to) is quite lovely with a wiry mane and demure, but friendly demeanor.
Brad: I'm thinking of getting a Tadpole Chow™ to help me get over my ex and maybe also meet a few ladies by the Bandshell this summer.
Amy: You really should, it's time you do something to develop your self and be a little selfish for once.
A Chow Chow which is dog that genetically will DNA test as a black dog or have majority of black hair. It would then contain the merle trait as well which it defines as the dilution of colors via in the form of spots! Speckles!
That black merle chow chow is so unique.
Verb, meaning to eat quickly or in large proportions
Emily was about mow-chow the entire pizza as if she hadn't eaten in days.
Mow Chow: To eat at a quick pace or eating something very fast.
“Yo dude, you Mow Chowed those tacos in seconds!”
“I’m so hungry I could Mow Chow like five waffles!”
also could be used as:
Mow Chow, Mow Chowing/Mow Chow'n or Mow Chowed,
When you have anticipation of buying a girl dinner to have sex with her.
When a girl goes on one dinner date and hooks up with you.
Thanks to tinder, I've had the best luck with the ol' Chow and plow.
Life regret: Did the ol' Chow and plow after taking a girl to the Taco Bell. Sex turned into a chili cook-off.