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hannah Quinn

hannah quinn is a diddly canary camera role squat🦄

have you seen hannah quinn yet? she is a diddly canary camera role squat!!! she is so funny and fiddle

by anonymous user anonymous!!!! October 9, 2021

Quinn McKenzie Pemberton

A reliable friend that is there for you when you need it most. Spends money on people they love. And will put there friendship before any relationship. An OK Boomer friend that is a goat and funny as hell.

" Man you should be friends with Quinn McKenzie Pemberton" shes the best."
" Yeah I know man I started talking to her last night she is so dope"

by Cherry Bombs January 7, 2020

Drizzly quinns

Rap family, Mainly a group or a duo joined together

/#drizzlyquinns From the song EvilFace

Drizzly quinns are making everybody go crazy

by Horricthefilm March 13, 2021

Quinn Syndrome

A League of legend term pitched by 'Double Hashtag'. It is a term related to champion performance by your team opposed to the other team. In it's simplicity, it's meaning is that if a champion is played on your team, they will perform badly.

However, if that same champion is played on the opposite team, your opponent will perform superbly . A syndrome commonly found in Quinn, Lee sin , Teemo, Vayne and Draven players.

Oh man, even though last game my draven fed, I bet the enemy Team draven in this game is ganna get a penta kill, fuckin Quinn Syndrome.

by Roderick Phillips February 10, 2021

The Zoey and the Quinn

Basically the perfect friend pairing. Will weather any hardship together and are thick as thieves.

A: Hey, did you see these 2 buddying up?
B: Yeah, they seem to get along really well. They're basically the Zoey and the Quinn.
A: Makes me wish I had a friendship like that.

by burntactor June 30, 2024

Quinn’s basement

A soggy wet dungeon where a person named Quinn keeps all of his slaves tied up and covered in his wet semen. After they die he cuts of their limp penises and uses them to play ping pong with his girlfriend for two hours a day.

Dude watch out for him, you don’t want to end up in Quinn’s basement.

by Quinn’s basement escapee March 6, 2024

quinn and connor

Quinn and Connor are the best people you will ever meet. They are the perfect couple, although Connor sometimes acts like a cheater. Quinn is the perfect match for Connor they are a power couple and will run the room.

Person 1 - I wish I was like Quinn and Connor they are such GOALS!

Person 2- OMG! I totes do too!

by yummycookies23438 May 31, 2018