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levi rude

A synonym for a racist little bitch. A grown man who is inbred. A fuckboy.

Levi Rude is a racist fuckboy who sleeps with his cousins.

by honkyfan February 25, 2018

Levi Dow

Dumbass mf from bankersfeild

levi dow so hot -prolly every women ever

by ilovemenasf March 17, 2022

Celeste Levy

She is a nice friend and also a beautiful girl but don't let her looks fool you because when she takes off that make up, you better run the other direction

OMG its celeste levy RUNNNNNNN
Oh hey celeste levy you are a beautiful and nice friend ;)

by chibog September 7, 2018

leviing the dream

to levi the dream is to achieve the dream and then royally fuck it up in a completely preventable way.

“Dude my crush complemented my outfit today and asked to come over.”

“Oh my god what did you say?”

“I called her a stupid bitch and pushed her, why?”

“man you’re leviing the dream…”

by RunwayBitch October 19, 2021

Is levi a monkey

is levi a monkey
Yes levi is the king of monkeys.... and he is gay 100%
Well.... not the king if hes a peasant

He still wonks on cotton farms, and will go to cotton picker high school
He has the world record for the biggest forehead in the world.

Is levi a monkey the answer is yes

by Is levi a monkey April 5, 2022

Levi lovin

The act, or motions of having sex, while fully clothed. I.e. bumping and grinding. “Dry humping”. Commonly used within Mormon culture.

Oh golly gee! Did you and Molly go all the way last night at make out point? Heck no, but we both got some great “Levi lovin”.

by DJ Milo August 12, 2018

Levi Simp

Ur swag,but common .
He’s hot and u need to admit it

But remember,if he find out this ,he would kill u in 2 seconds ngl
I simp for him too,but I think he goes with Hanji or Erwin

If u ship ereri gtf out of here🥰🥰

I’m a Levi Simp
I simp for Levi,so I’m a Levi simp

by KuboKaishipper January 15, 2022