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Salty Neck

When one has a neck with a member of the of the opposite sex and happens to have bit of a twist... To begin, the female of the two sexes first has a romantic experience using her lips on another male private region, and she begins to suck passionately until he "Blows his load" as one would say. After this experience for the lady, she then moves onto a different male, with the intention of passing the previous victims fluid into the other males mouth (while he is unaware of the previous events that have occurred.) Hence the term "Salty Neck"

Its a Salty Neck! OMG she necked him after she he gave that other lad a suck! hahahaha

by saohjzbfgbg July 5, 2014

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

givin neck

when a female performs an act of oral sex on a male

i heard yo mama got caught givin neck in the mens restroom at the country club and it wasn't to yo daddy

by breezi f babii June 3, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Neck Me

Essentially saying/meaning "kill me now", with preferably a noose; killing self, necking self, hanging self.

"Neck me"

"Just neck me"

When over everything and cant be fucked.

"I can't be fucked right now, just neck me"

by Squanisha April 4, 2017

32๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Neck Job

When your boyfriend/girlfriend/makeout-buddy goes at your neck for a long time, aka kisses your neck.

Very pleasurable.

Eric: Yo sonn, Daniel was totally giving Maria a Neck Job in the park yesterday.
Liz: Really?
Eric: Amazing thing is she had no hickeys to prove it.
Liz: Wow He must be really good.

by Woahbabbeh. October 23, 2008

113๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Muscular stiffness and pain, even headache, caused by the extended periods of looking down at one's handheld personal technology devices, such as iPods, iPhones, Zunes, BlackBerries and smartphones.

I spent so much time texting yesterday I got horrible Tech-Neck.

by Andy Establishment March 31, 2011

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Necked out

When you fall asleep

"Damn Jared just smoked a fat bowl and necked out

by Hannah homes June 15, 2016

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Club Necking

Scouse saying to kiss/snog/French kiss/neck/meet/play tonsil tennis (however you say it) within a club setting. The action of the kiss should be hard and fast, sometimes being described as 'dead dead hard and dead dead fast'.

'Did you see Amy and Joe club necking last night'

'Yeah they were going for it dead dead hard and dead dead fast!'

by kenwong December 27, 2011

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