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Ali Hajihaidari

Smells good, clammy hands, phenomenal, the cat's meow; when he was in preschool, his best friend was winnie the pooh. He is an actor, singer, pianist, and just a wonderful person. Ali is dramatic and hysterical. His laugh can be heard miles away and anon creepers constantly want his....0__0. Everyone's kids should be named after Ali Hajihaidari.

You. are. phenomenal. You are just wonderful! Not okay!
-Ali Hajihaidari

by Phenomenal friends April 11, 2011


The most smartest and most handsome guy on the planet

I love Ali-Aar he is the most likable guy on the planet

by Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson December 6, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ali Looney

When someone laughs really hard and it sounds like a loon.

Oh man when that kid fell off his bike I ali looneyed so hard!

by Nummiesforme March 20, 2009

Ali Jewbag

A sexual act performed on a female coworker during work hours. After having sex, you break her legs, forcing her to file a claim under worker's compensation.

Oh man! Janice be coming on to me at work like a fiend or sumthin! So I laid her out on the lunch table at work. After we finished I gave her an Ali Jewbag. Bitch'll be collecting cheques for months!

by bigwillyfromphilly September 1, 2014

Aly and AJ

blonde pop singing/acting duo made up of sisters, Alyson Michalka and Amanda Joy Michalka; write their own music together and perform live, usually playing guitars.

Aly's 2 years older, and became known first for her start earlier as an actress in Phil of the Future. She was joined by AJ in the DCOM Cowbelles. AJ usually sings the lower harmony and AJ sings the melody.

Um, you can be over the age of 15 and still love their music. "Don't let nobody tell you your life is over. Be every color that you are!" Lolz, loves it.

You tell Aly and AJ apart because Aly's the prettier one with curly hair, and AJ's shorter with straight hair.

by Laura P. November 27, 2006

141๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Muhammad Ali

Best boxer ever...A legend!

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, Ali!"

by Mo1892_Oasis_2pac_LiverpoolFC July 10, 2004

345๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ali's Snackbar

A snackbar people enjoy raving and praising over before blowing themselves up or kamikazing themselves into the side of a building. It must be really good.



Remember, folks! Ali's Snackbar is the best!

by chickewingzbruh March 29, 2017

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž