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1) the dominant member of a pack of wolves.
2) any person with a dominating personality, causing the assertion of or struggle for leadership in almost any situation.

While Dubya was busily pretending to be an alpha-male whilst getting coked up and going AWOL from his Air National Guard unit during Vietnam, John Kerry was matter-of-factly leading his swiftboat successfully through enemy fire in true alpha-male form.

by FunkyBumpkin April 29, 2005

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Alpha Cunt

A super powered bitch. Think of froob compared to a n00b. Alpha Cunts are elite cunts. First used in the book World War Z by Max Brooks.

(As used in World War Z)
Q: "And then? When the outbreaks became more serious and the press finally reported hat there was no wonder drug?"
A: "Pre-fucking-cisely! That's the alpha cunt who should be shot, what's her name, who first broke that story!"

by Kyoin November 21, 2008

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Alpha Dork

a term used to describe the dominant dork among a group of dorks.

Among the group of short-wave radio hobbyists, John obnoxiously exerted his status as the ALPHA DORK among his peers, frequently swooping in to interrupt conversations with indecipherable lingo, especially as outsiders attempted to strike up conversations among his female peers.

by beatpedal April 19, 2009

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alpha n00b

One who has mastered the art of n00bs, or one who is the leader of all n00bs.

Omfg! did you see james? he allmost pwn'd me, hes the Alpha n00b

by adam Valdez August 22, 2007

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Alpha Stud

An Alpha Stud is an individual; male/female, gay/straight that possess strength and courage with a go-getter mentality. Alpha Studs have similar characteristics to those of an Alpha Male. Alpha Studs are down to earth, laid back, and easy to talk to.

She is an Alpha Stud.
He is an Alpha Stud.

by StudAlpha1 November 17, 2016

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Alpha Gamer

A person of whom's awesome gaming abilitys are blessed by God himself.

"That is the difference between you and I Silver the Hedgehog, I'm a Alpha Gamer."

by Dean Baquet April 13, 2022

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A being so entirely alpha he cucks himself.

Woah... did you see that guy named Derek? He is so not beta he must be an alpha-cuck

by RobloxFan123 July 16, 2017

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