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KO Basketball

A sport that you don't see on TV, though it would be interesting.

That guy just got his glasses shattered by the basketball and the ref didn't call a foul even though he's got blood in his eyes. He's going to be in trouble if it gets much worse, why doesn't he just play regular basketball instead of KO basketball? Why does he keep doing this to himself?

by Solid Mantis April 14, 2021

Car basketball

Getting a bj in a car using the girls head like bouncing a basketball

Her car basketball was fantastic

by Frankie baby October 21, 2021

clipper basketball

A fast paced up style of play reminiscent of the show time Lakers of the 80's. Led by Chris Paul and Blake Griffin, this dynamic team is set to be remembered for ages. Laker fans should be afraid. Very afraid. Especially any Laker fan going by the name of "Black Mamba" or "Kris" as this is associated with a person long since past their prime. Much like that loser ball hog Kobe. Clipper basketball should only be enjoyed by people that like watching exciting players. People who root for crappy teams just because they once had Shaq, need not apply. Clipper basketball fans don't root for laundry. Their time is now!!!!!

Wow, what a game! Did you see that dunk by Blake?
No I was just watching Kobe flop on the ground for 40 minutes.
Oh, then you weren't watching Clipper basketball like me!

by Special Sticky January 9, 2015

The goat in football and basketball

The goat in basketball and football are märt and aleks from the hood of Tapa

Hwo is the goat in football and basketball?
Answer: Aleks and Märt are.

by Mlgmlgmlg December 13, 2022

1👍 3👎

garbage basketball

a baller using a trashcan and what ever needs to be thrown away as a means to play b'ball.

"my failed attempt at a poem turned out to be a great three point shot from across the room after i crumpled it up and shot from across the room and that is how i play garbage basketball"

by twigg89 September 17, 2015

Basketball widow

A basketball widow is a woman whose man is figuratively married to the beautiful game. He can't tear himself away from the box except in extenuating circumstances (not including grabbing a can of beer during breaks)

My friend complains that she's now a basketball widow; once the game is on, her husband has time for no one and nothing else but his TV and his mentor with whom he analyzes each game all season long.

by Miz Pee November 5, 2019

Playing Basketball

A 200 IQ Phrase you can say if you get caught jerking off.

KYLES MOM: Kyle what are you doing.
Kyle: Uuhhhh um, Im playing Basketball?
Kyles MOM: Oh ok ok ok ok well than make it wet if you know what i mean.

by Playing Basketball May 13, 2020