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Bearded Giver

When a guy is deepthroating another guy who has a crazy bush around his nuts and it makes it look like the guy giving the BJ has a beard.

You know my cousin Ryan G? Yeah, well yesterday when I went to his house and we were playing XBOX 360, he wanted to tell me something personal. He told me that he was a "Bearded Giver," and I immediately threw down the controller and left.

by Moose Dick Ham Slap April 23, 2009

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beard burn

(noun): a patch of red skin left after one's facial hair rubs against the skin of another. it usually leaves one feeling itchy for a few hours to a day. extrememy uncomfortable. is usually a result of making out.

Dude: "Yo girl, why you twitchin' n scratchin' that red jank on your neck?"

Girl: "I like totally went to first base with Moola last night and got some hxc beard burn!"

by allisonisreal January 9, 2010

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Shavo beard

adj. The greatest goatee ever to grace God's green earth, created and worn by a Mr. Shavo Odadijan, the bassist for System of a Down. This term is used to describe either a person who wears this beard or the beard itself.

Look at that guys awesome Shavo Beard! - one System of a Down fan to another

Dude, that guy is one insane Shavo Beard. -
one badass to another

by #1 System Fan March 7, 2009

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anal beard

A hairy arse

When you bend over, it looks like a yeti is trying to climb out of you arse crack.

by TommiGunn March 16, 2004

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Darin Beard

Kind of cool...and kind of gay all at the same time.
Can be shortened to DB

Dude the fact that you have a pink shirt with Chuck Norris on it makes you a total Darin Beard.

by Muchaco March 22, 2010

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The gesture a bearded man gives to another bearded fellow as a greeting, farewell or salute.

To give a proper beard-nod a man must:
1. Raise his hand right hand to his beard/chin
2. Stroke his chin with his index finger and thumb while giving a nod in the direction of the other bearded man
3. remain SILENT!!!!

"Did you say 'goodbye' to Matthew?" asked Tanner
"There was no need! I gave him a beard-nod instead!" replied Paul.


"Did you see that!?!" questioned Tanner.
"Oh Yes! That was a beard-nod! It's i how two bearded men say 'hello'!" answered Dayne.

by NESPax November 22, 2011

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santa beards

The act of two males masturbating feverishly and ejaculating all over each others ball sacks. The resulting cream covered hairy sacks is known as "santa beards".

guy 1 "Oh man I was so drunk last night what happened?"
guy 2 "I think we gave each other santa beards."
guy 1 "That's why my underwears all stuck together."

by Mikhailo Meersmachov December 26, 2011

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