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tunnel bunny

A hooker, whore, prostitute. Term usually used to describe whores in big cities such as New York and Chicago because they stand and wait for customers in traffic tunnels.

"Hey Dad, Let's go into the city and check out the tunnel bunnies; you're paying this time!"

by SeanH October 5, 2004

64πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

bunny bumping

The act of making out while you and the other person are pressed up against an object such as a wall, a car, or a friend and grinding into each other. See dry sex.

"Dude, my girlfriend and I were bunny bumping against the washer and dryer last night"

by Ace Linnare July 29, 2006

38πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Vorpal Bunny

The carnivorous bunny from Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
Vorpal means sharp or blood-thirsting
(Vorpal can be added to other things for this effect)
Also, my xbox live gamertag

As the tried to enter the cave, a vorpal bunny emerged and made short work of the knights

by VorpalBunnie April 13, 2010

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Any extremely attractive female that participates in winter sports and or activities.

Dang cuz, you see that snow-bunny walk into the lodge? That chick was banging!

by deecoop88 February 6, 2008

2026πŸ‘ 747πŸ‘Ž

Snow Bunny

Very hot girls (usually white) that ski or snowboard. They don't have to be bad at the sport or be a poser. they uaually have high priced/ namebrand gear(Burton, Flow, Vulcum, ect).Also called Bunnies.

Dude lets pick-up some Bunnies today!!!
I'm gunna find me a Snow Bunny tonight!!

by condorj January 19, 2010

1841πŸ‘ 674πŸ‘Ž

snow bunnies

Hot chicks found on the snow slopes of the world.

Check out those snow bunnies coming off the chair lift. Even those baggy boarder pants can't hide the quality of their asses.

by belperfury February 14, 2008

2482πŸ‘ 918πŸ‘Ž

snow bunny

a white girl who only fucks with black guys

Girl: I only date black guys.
Guy: You’re such a snow bunny!

by mrcoolman222 April 21, 2020

1090πŸ‘ 413πŸ‘Ž