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Clays Law of Yo Mama

As the relationship between mothers is not a transitive one. One mother cannot be directly translated to another, so when you reference my mother you are neglecting this mathematical law. Rather the relationship between mothers is inversely proportional so when you say my mother you are actually insulting your own mother due to this relationship. Your mom is a very nice lady so I would rather you not insult your mom through this relationship and just admit it was your mom to begin with

Zach: Your mom gey

Clay: You see but if you see if you were up to date on modern scientific thesis you would know that clause has been proven to be flawed, as Clays Law of Yo Mama states the relationship between mothers is not a transitive one. One mother cannot be directly translated to another, so when you reference my mother you are neglecting this mathematical law. Rather the relationship between mothers is inversely proportional so when you say my mother you are actually insulting your own mother due to this relationship. Your mom is a very nice lady so I would rather you not insult your mom through this relationship and just admit it was your mom to begin with

by Crazycharger September 16, 2021


The act of your jerking off into a used garment/property of somebody you want to fuck then. Then Just before you cum, you throw the used grament/property in the air and try to shoot load and hit said target.

Bro! brandon went clay-birding with jessicas' towel in the lounge lastnight. Dude chucked it back in the heat rack after the mad dog.

by Saltyseadog75 August 2, 2018

spray clay

A subtype of diarrhea, characterized by a sharting noise and diffuse clay colored discoloration of the toilet reminiscent of Jackson Polluck.

Hey man, I gotta go spray clay, hopefully that will help my hang over.

by spraymatthews December 16, 2015

Clay dick

1. Lame playground insult used to taunt boys named Clayton.

2. A potent potable rumored to have originated at the Hilton Boston-Woburn, consisting of a Plantation Jamaica rum base, Luxardo maraschino liqueur, and several other digestifs. Served up in a daiquiri glass.

3. Literally a dick formed from clay.

Punk-ass kid: Hey Clay dick.
Clayton: Fuck you! You're a dick!

Guy: I'll have a clay dick please.
Bartender: Up or on the rocks?
Guy: Up you imbecile.

The artisan had an unusually large grin as he put the finishing touches on his latest clay dick.

by The_Klay March 1, 2018

radical clay

Being constipated. Having hard poo and being unable to take a shit.

I.e 'ooh I've got the radical clay i think may need laxatives'

'Your walking rather stiff, is the old radical clay bothering you?'.

by Strictly starkly derbyshire January 14, 2015

Georgia Red Clay

Fucking a person in the asshole so hard that they start bleeding whilst doing anal.

Person 1: Brennen was going crazy last night it was so loud.
Person 2: yeah, i heard he gave her the Georgia Red clay.

by Mike Vicks Dog May 19, 2022

GGn Clay

The sanctity of The Clay shall be upheld.

Trade me your stinky walrus for a leveled pet and let us offer these GGn Clays up to the Gazelle on high.

by YouDoTheMeow April 4, 2023