Warm and fuzzy, but ultimately useless, feel-good memes or statements.
Some social media feeds are full of no more than Precious Moments, irrelevant promises and other comfort porn.
The pounds people put on when they're in a stable relationship.
Things must be good with Howard and Diane, he's packed on the comfort twenty.
the tendancy for individuals, particularly those in the esports scene, to display a false sense of skill, tenacity, and/or prestige while playing games with heavy RNG elements.
TSM Dawson is developing too much luck comfort while playing league of legends.
League of Legends is a game of luck comfort where certain hierarchies in the esports scene change game mechanics to create the false illusion of pro play.
A rounded belly that protrudes somewhat. Similar to a dad bod. Especially of a man.
‘You’ve got such a comfort belly there, Rhys!’ I.e. Rhys has got a bit of a belly on him.
A term used in the comfort crowd music video by Conan Gray. When a person uses a shovel to kill another person then buries them leaving a leaving a rose on top of their grave.
If she does it one more time I’m gonna hit her with a comfort crowd
When you’re extremely comfortable
“It’s not about your comfortability”
When someone rarely leaves their house and when they do it's never past the yard.
"You should buy a car charger so your phone won't die"
"I KNOW but I never really leave my house so that would be a waste of a lot of precious moneeyyyy"
"Yeah your right, you're pretty lazy and never leave your yard"
The wifi comfort zone