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chinese control

taking 25 of a possible 26 points in a round of the card game Hearts, which is the worst possible score for one hand.

Chen is so good at Hearts he is taking Chinese control

by ching chong wing wong October 30, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Quality Control

When you refuse to hook-up with an ugly chick when the opportunity presents itself.

I walked out of the room when she started kissing me because I had quality control on.

by Newman October 25, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boarder Control

People who are racist toward mexicans and thearten to take green cards, call immagration, ect

white boy: hey you mexican go back to class or ima burn your green card.
black kid: be quiet yo you sound like Boarder Control

by Khaoz Dawson April 16, 2010

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gun control

Alright, the way I see it, this country really doesn't need too much gun control these days.
But I'm tired of liberals and conservatives bitching about it. See Liberals want everyone to beleive that all conservatives are just a bunch killers who want anyone to be able to own a gun, including little kids and criminals which is NOT TRUE! And Conservatives try to make people beleive that all Liberals are a bunch of constitution-hating, nazi-esque fascists that want to take away not just are 2nd amendment rights, but all of our rights guarenteed by the Bill Of Rights, which is NOT TRUE! Now i and most other people would agree that we should have a law that doesn't take away 2nd amendment rights from law-abiding citizens, but at the same time makes it near impossible for a criminal to get their hands on a gun.

Before conservatives start complaining about liberal agenda, and before liberals start complaining about Conservative Hate Culture, they should take the time out to see that most people are quite neutral when it comes to topics like gun control, or abortion, and most other controversial topics.

by Nathan575 July 17, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

gun control

Something that liberals and feminists like, and libertarians and conservatives hate. Liberals like it because of their naive, simplistic thinking: less guns, less violence. This simple assumption overlooks the fact that if someone has the balls to commit murder, they aren't going to be afraid of breaking a law against gun possession. Feminists love it; the gun is a phallic symbol and is a way of women controlling men.

Libertarians hate gun control, because making it a crime to merely own a gun and having hurt nobody is draconian at best. Conservatives hate it as well, because they all want to own guns and go out and kill liberals and feminists.

Most people call me a conservative when I say Michael Moore is the nut, not Charlton Heston... my beliefs are merely libertarian and common sense.

by Andrew B. November 1, 2004

101๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž

Revolution Controller

The Controller of the new Gamecube, the revolution. Has an add on for an analog stick. Kindof looks like a remote control for your television. Yet, is still very awesome.

The new Revolution controller may look wierd, but I'm still buying the system, because now it has online Wi-Fi features.

by Philip George September 19, 2005

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Crowd Control

A position designated for keeping unarmed personnel and civilians from exiting a given area or contacting authorities in the event of a hostage situation, such as a bank robbery.

"This lunatic Adam was on crowd control and with his itchy trigger finger popped two tellers for screamin' too loud."

by rma1 May 16, 2010

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