Cyrus Govekar is a common name from southern Persia and is known for conquering part of the region of Alexandria. He is also the King of the state of ertsaw in Egypt. He is also and eshay.
People refer to him as an eshay lad Cyrus Govekar
Something you gotta watch out for
Watch out for billy rat Cyrus hell chew up your fatty
Dumbass Switzerland boy w a big ass nose and is not loopy at all.
Look at the kid l, Cyrus Oefeli, not hitting again
Cyrus is the gayest person you would know. He likes kissing your dog and etc.
Woah, its cyrus james. Nah cyrus is gay
A fat fucking nonce faggot likes to touch little boys. Hunts near kindergartens and junior schools. Use narcotic sweets to lure in prey.
Oh shit is’s cyrus hide ur kids
Cyrus is a complete asshole sometimes but they can be nice if they like you enough
Cyrus can be very rude and do anything to get their friends attention to mess up
Someone else's mood.
Uhm can you stop making me uncomfortable Cyrus
I don't like it
Cyrus is mostly known for being the most handsome, sexiest man in any room he walks into. He is so hawt that people literally jump on him as soon as they see him. Not only is he gorgeous but he has a soft romantic spot only for one person because of how loyal and genuine he is.
Make sure to enter a Cyrus’s life carefully because everyone that has a Cyrus in their lives will never want them to leave because they cast a love spell on everyone that they meet. This is mostly because his cock is so good that people can’t seem to imagine a life without getting railed as good as he does it.
omg did you see cyrus’s nudes god i wish i was his girlfriend so i could have that tree trunk inside me