To knock on an anonymous door or ring an anonymous doorbell, but to run away before it is answered. More specifically, the individual who partakes in knocking/ringing, hereby dubbed the "ding dong" must run, hereby dubbed as "go", for as long as possible without taking a break. It is also customary for the individual who has answered the door to run after the "ding dong".
As a long distance runner, Nashid was exceptional at ding dong go, since she could keep running away for hours on end.
*DIng dong bing bong* "A body has been discovered!-"
A phrase you say when your about to punch a guy named nick in the face
Boy you about to get llama llama ding donged
When you jerk someone off with your third and fourth digits touching your thumb (first digit), and extending your second and fifth digits outward. It creates the head of a llama but not a compelling hand job.
Friend: Have you talked to Patrick?
Me: Not since I tried the llama llama ding dong on him.
A mega racist ass word to those wth eyes basically closed (asians)
My asian friend is a Ding Dong Ling Long Ping Pong Ning Nong
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The avocado cracker dong is a level five sex move, so assume you have consent. For this move you are going to need a fairly attractive a peeled avocado a one saltine cracker and of course youre penis.
first have the woman cock your head back and place the cracker in the woman's mouth
then you are going to climb a small ladder and absolutely slam the peeled avocado into the woman's mouth. Immediately after you slam said avocado into the woman mouth jump from the ladder with your erect cock and slam youre penis in said woman's mouth. If done correctly the friction between cock, mouth,cracker and avocados make the mans penis ejaculate with extreme force and blow all the avocado out the sides of her mouth.
yo im so horny but i wanna fuck in a creative way
well say no more i just saw a tut on how to do the avocado cracker ding dong.
An expression of happiness from an unexpected satisfying event occurring
Wow! I got an A on my pre-cal exam! Well, ain’t that a ding dong dinner!?