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Dry Joseph

A dry joseph is when you stick your finger in your ear, and then put it someones mouth.

Did you see what Aaron did the other day? Paige was asleep and he gave her a dry joseph, it was classic.

by naxt December 16, 2013

Bad Dry

This thing, situation, person or place is not good, not pleasing, distasteful or annoying - mainly used as a retort when hearing bad news, or where someone has wronged someone else or when a situation, person, item or place has not been liked and in fact, disliked.

Did you hear about Kenneth getting punched out the other day???

Response: "Yeah man, that's bad dry - Kenneth was a good guy man"

Or: Can't believe I just walked a mile to the shop and its closed at 6pm!!! That shit is BAD DRY!!!

by TalkToFrank October 5, 2016

dry gorge

When you lick your buddy's asshole and he didn't douche.

Boy, Kevin really did give me the dry gorge the other night.

by JamzMay September 5, 2021

dry tip

When two or more guys huddle in a circle and press crotches together face up and say "dry tip".

Victor, Jay and Jonny got out of the bar and decided to dry tip to end a good night.

by YoungYeee December 8, 2016

dry thunderstorm

A dry thunderstorm is a thunderstorm which produces only lightning and thunder. A dry thunderstorm produces no rain or other precipitation.

A lot of wildfires are started by dry thunderstorms.

by Mason Eckhart February 9, 2010

Dry Peter

When you get a handjob but it's so rough and dry that it hurts but you pretend to enjoy it so she doesn't get mad.

Dude she gives way too many dry peters, I'm gonna have to let her go

by Bigg PP daddy May 9, 2016

dry wally

The act of sticking a dry finger in ones ear

Like a wet Willy but with a dry finger. A dry Wally

by Ecosi January 16, 2017