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honkey education

college/higher education

"Go on and get you that honkey education, you might be big some day"

by Mr Roachclip October 16, 2021

early hood-child education.

A more challenging version of early childhood education which requires a very patient and empathetic care taker or teacher who can properly deal with the effects of the social issues and undesirable home life affecting young children from less fortunate circumstances in a severely negative way, usually manifested in the form of acting out, temper tantrums, screaming, biting, hitting and sometimes cussing. This term can refer to younger children of ANY race in ANY demographic to one degree or another as a result of a wide variety of negative family circumstances and/or negative upbringings, but does NOT include those children who may be mentally disabled. Here, the term "hood", in this context, merely refers to a rough neighborhood which has a higher percentage of broken, less fortunate families, and is NOT being used in a derogatory manner.

Gwyn is majoring in early childhood education, but sometimes feels like she is practicing early hood-child education. Especially when she needs to calmly deal with being bitten, scratched in the face or hit by certain children in daycare.

by Ohioguy November 1, 2022

Spurling education

For special Education it’s an education system needed for needs who aren’t mentally their

I was put in a spurling education

by Dr umer July 9, 2022

a good education

When a child under the age of 18 watches porn for the first time.

"Little Billy got a good education last night with his brother"

by BelegMaethor June 4, 2016


Josh, he is super educated/educado, probably the most educated person ever so please tell that to Lucy's mom so i can date her

Wow Lucy's mom, Josh is so educated/educado , you should totally let him date her, not like that neanderthal waiter boy or whoever tf from the restaurant who is totally the opposite and actually uneducated/uneducado.

by AlwaysPickedLast April 1, 2022

physical education

the class should be year-round because rich kids do it year-round anyways while poor kids play videogames all day during the summer

physical education is ironically optional during the summer.

by boring squirrel December 12, 2022

physical education

A subject designed to cause:
- humiliation
- anxiety
- pain
- bullying
Cooper test: The weak and non-athletic are first to go.
Team sports: A cause of social anxiety.
The teacher favors athletic people, and "bully" the non athletic people, like me.
Weather: outside when cold, inside when hot.

DO 100 PUSH UPS NOW!!!!!!!one

Physical education sucks.

by fmate2006 May 14, 2018