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False Katy Perry Boner

When you hear a song by Jessie J and you mistake it for a song by Katy Perry, which gives you a boner.

I used to think that the song "Domino" was sung by Katy Perry, which gave me a huge boner when I would hear it. But then I found out it was Jessie J, so it was a False Katy Perry Boner all along.

by Dr. Gray March 2, 2012

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false entitlement fallacy

(noun) The fallacy associated with the belief that being nice to someone entitles you to date them or sleep with them. Also the main reason that nice guys finish last

Guy: Hey, do you want to go out for dinner with me?
Girl: You are a really nice friend, but unfortunately, I am only interested in being friends.
Guy: After everything I've done for you? I feel that you owe me something.
Girl: Stop with the false entitlement fallacy.

by snakemasterepic February 13, 2018

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False Hope Text Message

When you get a text message just when you wish you had someone to talk to...and it turns out to be a stupid forward and no one really wants to talk to you.

YAY I just got a text from (Insert name of person you like here)!!!!!!!
Oh dang it...its a false hope text message.
Stupid fwds.

by Smurfanator February 9, 2010

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False Friend Zone Syndrome (FFZS)

A growing epidemic that causes males to believe they have been "friend zoned" by girls they are acquainted with, yet they have never approached the girl in a manner of creating a sexual or emotional relationship. The disease stems from a lack of confidence in oneself, thus causing one to create the social construct of "friend zoning" to cope with their feeling of inferiority and lack of ability to ask a girl how she truly feels.

Infected: "Dude I totally got friend zoned the other day. It sucks so hard. Ughh forever alone."
Friend: "Sorry to hear she rejected you..."
Infected: "She didn't I just know she doesn't want me."
Friend: "Oh god...get away! What are you?!"
Epidemiologist: "Yes a perfect example of False Friend Zone Syndrome (FFZS)."

by Jimmithy Jimmers January 19, 2012

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False underdog story

One that makes somebody who's never really been an underdog in life look like an underdog.

There were people that really were true underdogs in life, and there were people like her, who told a false underdog story because she was uber competitive and desperate to win at something else.

by Solid Mantis March 2, 2021

False Flag

A False Flag is when someone calls attention to a "Red Flag" in an effort to manipulate opinions at to what is right and wrong. The false (red) flag is used when people are already biased to a similar opinion as the one presenting the information, or the misinformation is used to try to manipulate people into being newly biased.

A false flag is a tool often used when politicising a topic. It often makes situations more difficult instead of making situations easy because its harder to know what to believe.

"He said that women that are emotional is a red flag to him but he's not about to stop dating females so he's really waving a false flag about us girls"

by T3CHN0PH0B3 June 10, 2023

False pedophile

Middle Eastern slang for a castrated man, or registered sex offender.

He can't be serious talking to that woman, he's a false pedophile!

by Clitsle-blower August 14, 2023