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She is pretty and nice. She is also very fun to be around and is a AWESOME person in general. She is also super funny.

Grace is pretty and kind.

by It’syogan November 22, 2021

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


She is a Amazing girl and friend she is smart and funny and she all ways has a smile not all the time but still she is amazing person u can meet all I am saying is she is Talented,smart,and a AMAZING GIRL β˜Ίβ˜Ίβ˜ΊπŸ‘πŸ‘


by JoshV605 January 28, 2017

33πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The most beautiful, stunningly gorgeous, intelligent and interesting woman I have ever met. When you see her you will be speechless, when she speaks you will be amazed. With a beautiful mind, body, and soul she is extremely kind and down to earth. She is like a lighthouse that shines in the darkness. Very world traveled, also brunette and a libra.

Guy: Who is that?!

Guy2: Oh that's gorgeous Grace!

by palmtreesandoceanbreeze1987 January 4, 2012

367πŸ‘ 253πŸ‘Ž


the best person ever. usually brown or blonde curly hair with a medium to tall structure and quite skinny. she’s the best friend anyone could ask for, but she’s so underrated and quiet that nobody realised how she really is. she’s funny and loyal and could put a smile on your face, but has fear or rejection.

overall, be friends with all graces. they are just the best

hey look it’s grace

we should go talk to her

by P0tat0 person November 10, 2020

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Grace is the most amazing person you will ever meet, she's the sweetest, the kindest, th emost caring, the most understanding, the most willing to help, the most loving, the most considerate, the most beautiful both on the inside and the outside, and just the overall best.
she will stop at nothing to make the people she cares about, happy.
if you find yourself with a Grace in your life, you better take care of her and never let her go, because you'll never meet anyone better than her. Grace loves a lot, she doesn't want casual loving or anything by the sorts, she wants to be in love, and she'll do anything for the person she's in love with. of course that person needs to realize how lucky he/she is (in this case he) and do all he can for her to be happy, Grace deserves true love, true happiness, true understanding.
she deserves the world, and you should always try your best to give it to her.

guy: I just met this girl the other day Grace
girl: ooh I heard they're the best, what did you do?
guy: Fall in love

by An anonymous Grace fan December 3, 2019

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


She is normal a drug addict and eats but but she is a keeper

Grace is a Drug addict

by ";Γ—Β₯=©×=mdjjzmdcjzkmrg November 11, 2020

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful women who is very smart and super attractive. she takes pride in the things she does and does not rush into things. She has an amazing body and great boobs. Anyone who knows a Grace is very lucky to know them and should keep them close at all times.

Grace you are a beautiful woman

by Mickey_d September 13, 2011

572πŸ‘ 461πŸ‘Ž