Alternate word for feminine wash, or douche. Can be used in slang sense.
Mary felt less than fresh and went to the bathroom to Hipster.
Don't be such a Hipster.
What a Hipster!
Mom, do you Hipster?
1👍 1👎
Hipsters come from affluent backgrounds, they form a part of the aristocracy: the bigotted, highbrow behavior toward others is tinged with Victorian-era, teleological world views, which is naturally a display of their position in the power relations within society. This statement is emblematic of this subculture in that in the process of attempting to distance themselves from their hereditary, privileged class group, nevertheless continue to exhibit a contemporary version of the same prejudice and exceptionalism which further buttress their position in the social power schema. This is why neighborhoods are often gentrified to accommodate to appeal for the hipster demographic.
Don't drive your '86 chevy over there, the hipsters will tell you how you should ride a bike or drive a hybrid instead.
A guy from Kilkis that moved to London to dress like a peacock and drink flat whites with oat milk while eating avocado toasts in East London
- Hey man, do you want to go for kokoretsi?
- I'm sorry man, I'm vegan now
- What a hipster!
Hipsters are a sub-culture of self-conscious image-obsessed middle-class white people who have abandoned independent thinking and place a high value on conformity. If people around them are growing beards, hipsters will do the same. If tattoos and piercings become a trend, hipsters will be the first people to flock to tattoo parlours. Hipsters never have sincere thoughts or action. It may be that hipsters were bullied at school and were not very good at sports, explaining why they rarely smile. They console themselves by examining their bank balance, which is usually very healthy thanks to daddy's trust fund.
John "that hipster girl thinks she is so unique: dyed neon hair, tattoos, piercings, thick glasses"
Paul"which hipster girl? every girl in this bar is like that!"
The person that is judging you at a starbucks from the side table with his latest Mac book open .
Hey did you see that Hipsters new Mac book
A variation of the Wallflower that is known for their ironic and apathetic attitude and style. Most hipsters are actually unaware of their hipsterism and are often confused with hipster posers, whom openly announce that they are hipsters. Hipsters are trend setters whilst these posers are actually following the trend of hipsterism. The typical hipster is known for shopping at thrift stores, hanging around a cafe, or browsing a record store for indie inspiration in both music and fashion.
Person 1: Omg did you see Emma? She thinks she is such a hipster just because she uploads photos on instagram.
Person 2: Lol what a lame ass.
Trying too hard to not try hard.
Hipster: I don't know how I will be able to make it through the day if I wear this awful mainstream garbage. I need to be unique as can be.
John: Shut the fuck up you special snowflake, go drink bleach and cleanse the disgrace of your inner-self.