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Le Rhino

The act of being extremly horny and letting people know about it in a classy manner.

Edie: So how are you feeling today?
Karmen: Im feeling Le Rhino all of a sudden.
Edie: Oh, very nice.

by KlvsE July 20, 2009

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vyet le

the nicest person i know, willing to tell you the truth whether it'd be harsh or not. thankyou vyet le for sticking by me this whole time.

thAo; vyet i need your help
vYet; foh shizzy ill be over right away

by mkbLv April 5, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

le duh


1. the effectuation of oneself, an individual, or a state of events as seemingly staumeral
2. the contemptuous presumption that something is blatantly transpicuous
3. the signal of comprehended asininity, commonly used in derision

Combines French and English to form the perfect composite of true idiomatic vernacular

Definitions above give rise to a plethora of examples, le duh!

by Dr. Infallible June 13, 2013

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le sigh

a phrase commonly used by a blogger to express their frusteration with life

"le sigh...today when i went to mcdonalds i had to wait in line for five minutes. and then...(bitch, moan, whine, etc)"

by flense May 30, 2004

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Le ri

le ri= Lets ride(slang). Term described when you want to ride out.

le ri, dawg!
le ri, to the party!
leri, sex!
le ri, Love

by David Trincado February 23, 2008

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les miserables

A good book based on france from the time of napoleon to the time of the revelution mostly centered around the character Jean Valjean and his "daughter" cossete marius falls in love with her and javert is the cop chasing Jean Valjean

Les Miserables is usually a school book

by jimsonisgod September 9, 2005

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Laura Les

Hyperpop icon who forms 100 gecs along with Dylan Brady

Girl do u listen to 100 gecs????
Yes girl i love Laura Les shes such an icon

by hugewetvaajayna October 21, 2023

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