Source Code


Diana and her kik-ass save the world moves, like Chuck Norris

Diana was round-house kicked in the face by the NEENJAH lord causing quite a paradox.

by Hannah <(^^)> March 10, 2008

Lord Elgin

Having sex in a hotel room chair.

"Man, I totally Lord Elgined her last night up in her room"

by Xoanon August 3, 2009

so lord

So lord is an exotic phrase originating in an ancient extraterrestrial language transcribed from Egyptian hieroglyphs. The extraterrestrials which were said to use this ominous phrase are believed to be the same ones which helped build the pyramids and also introduced humans to broccoli, an ancient space delicacy farmed by these beings.

the word has recently been popularised by the cross alien and broccoli creature named jimmy parry. she is one of the most rarest species in the world and we advise you stay clear from her otherwise she will try and graft you and flex to you!!!

as you know jimmy is a very famous person... you may recognise her from your roast dinner or the movie ET! she has alien like features with a mop of spaghetti on her head which also looks like a brocoli👽 🥦

she has garnered a lot of attention recently as she was spotted flying her ufo and taking her girlfriend abbie to ‘uranus’.

Although outdated, so lord can be used in a variety of ways to describe emotion, such as “so lord I’m in the mood for some broccoli” or “if we don’t get to watch ET soon so lord i’ll be upset”

So lord is also used commonly along with the ancient space emoji “🙈” and can typically be located in Abbie’s dms.

so lord i love driving lessons and my gf abbie so much🙈🙈🙈

by senpai sofie August 24, 2020

Lord Chumbo

A fat pink god of belly buttons that is said to travel around galaxies

Lord Chumbo destroyed planet Gustarch

by MrPicklesWorth January 18, 2019

The Chromosome Lord

The Shadow of the Elder God Ochwar. He can destroy entire realities with ease. He can suck Chromosomes out of any mortal, and it makes him even stronger.

Dude! The Chromosome Lord is coming for your ass!

by Succpreme March 5, 2019

Riven Lord

Warframe player (usually a pickle), who has a deeply unsettling love for rivens

Pickle: “hey I just got a groll on this riven
Clan chat:” oh that pickle... he’s a proper riven Lord

by Pr0m3th3us July 24, 2019

Lord X

Lord X is a take on Sonic.exe made for the game Sonic PC port.He has grayish Blue fur whiskers an x slashed into his chest grey shoes and Black irises with red pupils that have small X’s in them

Person 1:Dude have you heard of Lord X
Person 2:No who is that
Person 1:He is the coolest Sonic.exe in Friday Night Funkiń

by Xxx_xxX_Alf_red_Xxx_xxX May 31, 2022