a cool human . she is a star and also a star-seed she has a clairvoyance and she smiles so good that brings so much joy and energy but if u are not deserving it u cant get any of it. her sound is hella good and she known by many people many celebrities she is also so secure so guarded no one can hurt her unless she wanted .
the most famous human in the world - shara mae shara mae's hair is very shiny
Have you ever heard of a swag name? then forget about it because jherrie mae is the swaggiest.
Damn she's beyond swag... that person must be a jherrie mae.
Stevie-Mae is a beautiful human being with loads of lovely friends. she tends to have a lot of emotions but only shows them to a couple of her closer friends. She also has an unhealthy obsession with the youtubers, the eboys and the sidemen.
Stevie-Mae is there
A mid level girl, she’s got a huge arse and an even larger crush on Harvey but her mate doesn’t approve. Desperately trying to seek Harvey’s approval.
Ellie-mae Bailey is obsessed with Harvey .
she will be your bestfriend through everything, you would love a lilly mae dean to be your bestfriend 💘💘
Used in Costa Rica. When people are talking to each other they use Mae. Used the same way Mexicans us wet.