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I'm a narcissist

Conservatives are using student activist plants now.

Hym "Isn't it weird how conservatives only ever engage with the most emotional and least articulate proponents of the countervailing ideology? The 'I'm a narcissist' guy for example... Seemed fake. Looked fake. And Kirk argues against a pretty substantially nerfed strawman of an argument I made."

by Hym Iam January 30, 2024

narcissist math

narcissist math is when problem occur in a relationship with a narcissist, and nothing about the relationship adds up. There's missing time, hidden agendas, and a ton of lies.

Don't try to figure out how to get along with a narcissist. Just wish them well and move on. The double standards, the zero sum mentality thinking, the all or nothing policies, and just about everything else like the back and forth nature of the guy will have you thinking that the relationship isn't worth saving. The math doesn't math on a narcissistic relationship. Narcissist math is an unsolvable problem, like trying to divide zero between three people.

by Siouxsie Supertramp November 7, 2023

Narcissistic Psychopath



"Dealing with Israel is so difficult. It's like being in a relationship with a Narcissistic Psychopath - he f**ks you up.
And then he makes you think that it's your fault" - Bassem Youssef

Person 1: "You're a disgusting Narcissistic Psychopath!"

Person 2:"how??? I'm not a Zionist."

by light0o0 October 21, 2023

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Game Narcissist

Someone who (esp. after winning) feels the need to say that “the main point of the game is to create friendship” or “we’re a team” thereby undermining the whole game and pissing everyone else off.

The Game Narcissist, after narrowly winning the game and not contributing anything to his team, told everyone that “it’s okay to lose” and that “winning doesn’t really matter.”

by Srabs October 5, 2023

Malignant Narcissist

Yea, hey, fuck you buddy! Is that not allowed? Ok. I'll just stop. Because that's how THAT works. The reason people are malignant narcissists is that they are fundamentally incapable of being self aware and, therefore, if only we could get them to stop being the thing that they are and will never cease to be, then... THEN they would be better. In what way? I don't know. But they wouldn't think they were better than me and that's all I really care about..."

Shill Maher "Trumps a malignant narcissist!"

Hym "And therefore what?"

Shipl Maher "So the foreign leaders can manipulate him!"

Hym "That's the opposite of how that works- How much do you know about any of that? And again, therefore what?"

Shill Maher "Then he shouldn't be president?"

Hym "Wait, hold on. I'M a malignant narcissist? What exactly should I not be able to do in life according to shill maher and why should that be a barrier to entry in any realm? Assburgers can fuck their caregivers in their grow homes but narcissists can't be allowed to... What? Get people to like them? That's really what it seems to be! And it relates to my thing! That's what it's all about! You don't want people to like narcissists. Because THEN you're less likable than a narcissist! You can't STAND it. AT ALL! That's the problem you and all the other atheists have with him! I found it! The kinetic through-line! THAT'S IT! You don't want people to like narcissists... But they DO LIKE NARCISSISTS. So now, deranged witch hunt for narcissists. That's what it is. That's all this is about."

by Hym Iam September 5, 2023

Narcissistic personality order

Because the narcissist has no disorder.

"As you insisted, I went to the therapist. She told me I have narcissistic personality order, which she said very few individuals have. I described our relationship and she wants to see you three times a week."

by Monkey's Dad March 6, 2020

Negative narcissist

A narcissist that believes everyone is against them instead of with them. They believe everything they do is wrong, everyone hates them, and that everyone is always talking about them or talking down to them.

Oh John? Don't mind him. He thinks everyone talks crap about him even when we're talking about unicorns. He's a negative narcissist.

by Bookworm Brea April 12, 2018