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Em oi

A Vietnamese phrase similar to “Hello?” or “Excuse me?” in British English. Can be said as a means of calling the attention of someone younger than you.

Anh and Ha sat in a restaurant

Ha: I’m starving. Where’s that waiter got to?
Anh: Let me check. Em oi!
Waiter: What do you want?

by You Know... That Guy September 28, 2021


A word to be used for any verb or noun

Past tense: Ois’d /Ois

Present tense: Ois
Future tense: Oissin

1. Guy 1: aye we oissin tonight?

Guy 2: yeah we is.

(This could mean anything)

2. Guy 1: Did you Ois it last night?

Guy 2: nah she ain’t about it.

3. When we get there we gone Ois everything

*everyone in unison* OOOOOIIISSSS

by OisGod August 4, 2018


A school for rich white kids where everyone goes to there second house in Tahoe in the middle of the week and everyone has the newest iPhone and airpods, and has sex in the bathrooms and lights trash cans on fire and everyone has Gucci and supreme clothes and everyone is fake af

You go to OIS? You thot.

by Small deek March 31, 2019

Oi gal

Saying hello or catching someone’s attention

Oi gal ms Browne is being such a nob today” or “oi gal ms Finn is being such a bitch”

by assmott June 15, 2021