hot glue is the answer to all problems including starvation, war and no it all pricks who corrrect grammar.
example 1-
man 1: my relationship is falling apart
man 2: have you tried using hot glue
example 2-
man 1: hey this prick keeps correcting my grammar, i wish i could sew his mouth shut
man 2: have you tried using hot glue
example 3-
man 1: i wish no one could see me
man 2: have you tried using hot glue
When a male ejaculates from a balcony above 30 feet.
Gary got so wrecked from the five shots of vodka, he was DROPPING GLUE at 3AM.
“ I was getting Head and I shot my poon glue in her eye and it got stuck shut”
When you use super glue to glue your dick tip shut then you jerk off to completion
Yo I gave myself a Gorilla Glue Gurkin Jerkin yesterday and now I think I have an infection
When you make a toasted cheese sandwich but the cheese didn’t melt and/or stick to the bread as you desired so you there for use seamen as a substitute savoury adhesive. “Mexican Glue.”
My cheese sandwich isn’t nearly sticky enough. Not problem. Mexican Glue to the rescue!
A substance that can stick your face to your chest. If that was Super Glue then i would sue the super glue
I have so much GLUE stuck to my chest and now my tongue decided to find a home on it.